Smart Stations

Smart Stations ™ for the Stone Edge Order Manager

Does your company do manufacturing or customizations?

If so, Smart Stations ™ by Barney Stone Software can help you manage your workflow more efficiently.

  • Set up “Stations” where various processes occur
  • Create “Paths” that define the routes that items follow as they go from Station to Station
  • Assign Products (SKUs) to the Paths that they should follow through your processes
  • Assign users to the Stations where they will work
  • Automatically start line items from your orders on their appropriate Paths.
  • Optionally, use barcode scanners to accept items at Stations and release them to their next Station
  • Monitor the workload at each Station, including items that have been there longer than usual
  • Includes Management Console where you can monitor current workload and completed tasks

For information or to schedule a demonstration, contact Barney Stone Software

The Management Console: Create “Stations”

Smart Stations Console Stations


The Management Console: Configure “Paths”

Smart Stations Console Paths


The Management Console: Assign Products (SKUs) to Paths

Smart Stations Console SKUs


The Management Console: Configure options …

Smart Stations Console Parms


The Management Console: …and other settings

Smart Stations Console Misc


The Management Console: Monitor workload and output by Workstation, User, Dates, etc.

Smart Stations Console Dashboard

The Workstation Screen: This is where the main action occurs

Smart Stations Workstation

Click on the screen above for an enlarged view.

The Smart Stations add-on for the Stone Edge Order Manager is available now from Barney Stone Software. The price is $2,500. That fee covers all of the Stone Edge users at your company, and includes a year of support and updates provided by Barney Stone Software. Customization is available for an additional charge.

For information or to schedule a demonstration, contact Barney Stone Software